Exp AdaptiveRenko Duplex EA


Two identical trading systems (for long and short positions) based on the signals of the AdaptiveRenko indicator, which can be configured in different ways within one Expert Advisor. For this purpose, all input parameters can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Those having names starting with L are input parameters to manage long positions;
  2. Those starting with S are input parameters to manage short positions.
//| EA inputs for long operations                |
input uint    L_Magic=777;          //L magic number
input double  L_MM=0.1;             //L share of a deposit in a deal
input MarginMode L_MMMode=LOT;      //L lot size calculation method
//| EA inputs for short operations               |
input uint    S_Magic=555;          //S magic number
input double  S_MM=0.1;             //S share of a deposit in a deal
input MarginMode S_MMMode=LOT;      //S lot size calculation method

These two trading systems use different magic number and are absolutely independent of each other. Real financial markets are rarely symmetric. Absolutely different parameters of the same trading system are often needed for trading in the rising and falling market. To properly configure the EA, you should first test only one trading system, having disabled the second one using relevant switches.

input bool    L_PosOpen=true;       //L Permission to enter long positions
input bool    L_PosClose=true;      //L Permission to exit long positions

Upon that, perform the same for the second system.

For the EA to operate, the compiled AdaptiveRenko.ex5 indicator file should be in the <terminal_data_directory>\MQL5\Indicators.